A farcical comedy by Ruddick Millar
Sam Dolan , editor and proprietor of the Ballymakillop Enquirer
Fred Wilson , his one and only assistant
Sarah McWhittrick
The editor and chief sub-editor of a Belfast newspaper
Signor Fuscardi , circus proprietor Hank Mason , his publicity agent William John Mawhinney , J.P. Sergeant Fogarty
A Member of Parliament A Cabinet Minister Newsboy, voices, etc.
The cast includes : W. R. Gordon , Allan McClelland , Winifred Green-wood, Joseph Tomelty , James Stewart , Charles Owens , Kenneth Rea , Harold Goldblatt , Robert Wynd -ham, and Cicely Mathews
Produced by James Mageean
This thirty-minute frolic, the work of a Belfast journalist, tells you how sleepy little Ballymakillop lived its short fierce hour in a blaze of headlines. It all began in Sarah McWhk trick's hen-pen and the office of the Ballymakillop Enquirer. Wires buzzed, telephones rang, aeroplanes zoomed across the Channel, and questions were fired off in the Commons. And while all the Ballymakillopians wondered ' Where's that tiger?'. Sergeant Fogarty swore.
They got the tiger in the end-with the help of the police force and the Army - and all the world laughed!