played by Marcella Barzetti
Barlumi (Gleams) dates from 1917; it consists of five impressionistic pieces in varying moods: Non lento rroppo, Lento, Vivace, Lento misterioso, and Molto vivace. The three Inventions are from a set of eight Petrassi wrote in 1944; they are headed: Moderamente mosso, scorrevole; Tranquillo; and Presto, leggero. The Divertimento Conirappuntislico, one of Ghedini's most considerable piano works, was composed in 1940. Casella's Six Studies were written in 1944; the first four, to be played in this programme, are Major Thirds (Presto), Major and Minor Sevenths (Allegro moto vivo). Legato Fourths (Moderate), and Repeated Notes (Allegro molto vivace ed agitato).