for children under five
The favourite nursery rhyme of a certain three-year-old boy was 'Jingle Bells,' but it was the instrumental rather than the song version which took his fancy, 'for,' wrote his mother. 'as soon as you begin to sing he says "Not let the gee-gee do it." Then when the horse does trot, he is delighted. One week recently he had the supreme joy of hearing the gee-gee in both songs, "Ride a Cock Horse" and his favourite "Jingle Bells." This is just one example among many of the constantly-revealed capacity of our listeners, young though they be, to capture and appreciate the musical ideas expressed in simple but imaginative terms in Ann Driver's settings of their songs
This little boy, and all others with whom these two are favourites, can enjoy them again, this time not only in the same week, but on the same day, Wednesday. For stories this week we have 'Sarah and the Squirrel,' by Dorothy Wise, told today by Dorothy Smith; tomorrow and on Wednesday 'The Country Bus,' by Hilda Ashby, with storyteller Daphne Oxenford, and on Thursday and Friday, two stories by Elizabeth Sheppard-Jones, to be told by Julia Lang.
(Elizabeth A. Taylor)