Part 1 from Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co.,Ltd.)
May Blyth (soprano)
Keith Falkner (bass-baritone)
Albert Sammons (violin)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Ninety Players)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by SIR HENRY J. WOOD
Delius's Violin Concerto was first performed by the Royal Philharmonic Society in January, 1919, about two-and-a-half years after its completion. It is dedicated to Albert Sammons , who was responsible for overhauling and editing the solo violin part for the composer. The work is in one continuous movement, which, however, falls into three well-defined sections in contrasting tempos. In the presentation and method of working out the thematic material it is typical of the composer's highly individual style.
' Death and Transfiguration ' is one of the earliest of Strauss's symphonic poems. It was completed in 1889, when the composer was only twenty-five. Originally, the score was prefaced by a poem of Alexander Ritter, which was, however, written after Strauss's music, and therefore may be considered as a kind of commentary on the music.
' Death and Transfiguration' is divided into four sections : (1) the sick man lies in his bed and dreams of ' childhood's golden day' ; (2) then comes a fierce, delirious fight with Death. Once again there follows stillness; (3) the dying man reviews all his past life. At length there comes a briefer, fiercer struggle, in which Death strikes its final blow; (4) the stillness of death is succeeded by the Transfiguration.
Tickets can be obtained from [address removed], and usual agents. Prices (including
Entertainments Tax) : 7s. 6d., 6s., 5s. (reserved), 3s. (unreserved), promenade (payment at doors only) 2s.