An August Arabian Night devised and produced by MAX KESTER
Characters : Mrs. Gawkroger Mr. Gawkroger
Uncle Ed Young 'Erbert
T' Stranger
The programme opens in the front room at 64, Myrtle Terrace, Tinsley, Sheffield -after which, it moves in five different directions
There is something very topical as well as something fantastic in this ' August Arabian Night'. August is a holiday month, but millions, especially in the industrial areas, cannot go to the sea ; every moment is precious with the mills working again. They get postcards from friends and relations who are at seaside resorts all over the country. ' Sea gorgeous today. Having a lovely time.'
Here in this little extravaganza is a family who, besides receiving postcards, receives a magic stick of rock-the kind that is bright pink and grows smaller and smaller as pieces are bitten off the top. No sooner has young 'Erbert put it to his mouth than through the agency of a genie with a broad Yorkshire accent, the whole family is transported to a holiday resort, and as the boy is not content with one "go' at the rock but takes five, no less than five concert parties are visited by himself, his father and mother; and Uncle Ed.
Listeners will hear the various acts, the songs and music and applause, the remarks of the Gawkroger Family, and their reaction to the different programmes. A novel broadcast, bringing the sea to listeners in a fresh and entertaining manner.