Quartet in E flat, Op. 44, No. 1 played by The Charles Taylor String Quartet-Charles Taylor (first violin) ; Sydney Partington
Paul Cropper (viola) ; Alex Young (cello)
Mendelssohn's chamber music contains some of his best and most fascinating works, notably the Octet in F for strings (composed at the age of sixteen), the Piano Trios in C minor and D minor, and the six
String Quartets, whic4. if unequal in quality of inspiration, contain movements of transparent beauty.
The Quartet No. I in E flat is thoroughly representative of Mendelssohn's style. with its richness and beauty of melody, polished workmanship, and clarity of detail and design. In this quartet the usual scherzo movement gives place to the well-known pizzicato Canzonetta which is an irresistible flash of genius.
The Op. 44 consists of three quartets which were composed during the years 1837-8. It will be noticed that the writing throughout is essentially conceived in terms of the string quartet, for it would be difficult to imagine any of this music transferred to some other medium, such as the piano.