Questions of the moment put by members of the audience are' discussed spontaneously by Ralph Wightman
Lord Elton
Wilson Harris
Maurice Edeliman , M.P.
Travelling Question-Master,
Freddy Grisewood
From Kingswood Church Hall, near Bristol
Produced by Nicholas Crocker
Lord Elton is an author, broadcaster, Fellow of Queen's College. Oxford, and a non-party politician.
Wilson Harris, author and journalist, has been Editor of The Spectator since 1932. He was a Member of Parliament (Independent) for Cambridge Uni.versity from 1945 to 1950.
Maurice Edelman, a newcomer to the programme, is Member of Parliament (Labour) for Coventry North. He has travelled in Russia on business and has written two books on the Soviet Union. He worked as a war correspondent in North Africa and Normandy, and is specially interested in town planning and housing.