An appeal on behalf of ST. DAVID'S HOME for Totally Disabled Soldiers and Sailors, by Admiral MARK KERR. C.B., M.V.O .
St. David's Home was founded in 1918 with the object of providing a permanent home where totally disabled soldiers, sailors, and airmen could find peace and comfort for the remainder of their lives.
There are still throughout the country countless ex-Servicemen suffering from the effects of the war, and it is for these men that St. David's provides a home.
Owing to the helpless condition of most of the patients, a very large staff is necessary and the running expenses are consequently heavy. The home has no endowment fund, and because many of the patients can pay little or nothing towards their maintenance, the upkeep of the home has to depend largely on money paid by public bodies and the generosity of friends.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged, and should be addressed to [address removed]