Recent programmes shown again with sign language. Ends 2.55am.
Watchdog with Anne Robinson
The team investigate illegal car-clamping outside Premiership football grounds. There are also items on interest on credit card charges and irradiated food.
Shown last Thursday (S) (W)
1.00 Dream Lives In the last of the series, the technological team helps Britain's wheelchair rugby squad prepare for the Sydney Paralympics. Presented by Sophie Raworth.
Shown last Wednesday (S) (W)
1.30 Panorama The Wrong Track.
John Ware analyses the government's ten-year plan for revitalising Britain's railways.
Shown on Sunday 4 February (S) (W)
2.10 See Hear
The magazine show for deaf people, with in-vision subtitles. Shown on Saturday at 10.40am on BBC2