Gertrud Siebenmann (soprano)
Martha Amstad (mezzo-soprano)
Hans Vogt (piano)
Basle drummers and fife-players
Alti Richtig from Basle
Drum solo:
Tagwacht (Morning Watch)
Folk songs from German Switzerland:
Es taget vor dem Walde (Dawn is breaking in the forest)
Lotschberger Schlofliedli (Lotschberg Lullaby)
Es kam ein Herr zum Schlossli (A man came to the castle)
Basle drum and fife march
Folk songs from French Switzerland:
Marion and the dragon Coucou, canari jaloux
Le coeur de ma mie (The heart of my love)
Basle. drum and fife march
Romansch Folk song:
Rosetta mieu bain (My little Rose)
Folk songs from Italian Switzerland:
Maggiolata (Spring Song)
Dormi, dormi bel bambin (Sleep, sleep beautiful baby)'
E picchia, picchia la porticella (Knock, knock on the door) Cucu
Basle drum and fife march