Community hymn-singing from the Roman Catholic Church of Our Most Holy Redeemer, Key-ham, Plymouth; led by combined choirs from the city and the district, directed by Fr. BEDE DAVIS
Hymns introduced by FR. JOHN STAPLETON
0 come, thou wisdom (Tune. Vent
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
(Tune. Winchester New)
Dear maker of the starry skies
(Tune, Creator Alme Siderum)
The Magnificat (Gelineau)
Jesus is God! (Tune, Ellacombe)
Mary immaculate, star of the morning (Liebster Immanuel )
Let folly praise what fancy loves
(Tune. The Holy Well)
0 strength and stay (Tune.
Strength and Stay)
Prayer and blessing by THE VERY REV. CANON JOSEPH ELWELL