A Programme from America
By courtesy of the Columbia Broadcasting System
At 10 o'clock tonight (5 p.m. in New York) listeners are to hear a relay direct from Coney Island, New York's vast seaside amusement park. It is situated on Long Island, and thousands in New
York flock to it whenever they can escape from the city.
Summer in New York is very hot, and has been especially hot this year, and Coney Island is thronged with people seeking some cooler breezes than they ever get in their New York tenements. They are there for pleasure, for recreation, and hope to find, if they can, a little room in the sea.
A trip on ' the mile sky chaser', and a broadcast from the ' roller coaster ' (a two-seater version of the Dodgems) ; ' Man-in-the-street' interviews on First Avenue, Luna Park ; the cries of barkers, the music, shooting, and other side-shows..... These will all be included in a vivid programme that will show British listeners at first-hand how America enjoys itself.
Immediately afterwards, although
British listeners will not hear it, American listeners are to enjoy a ten minutes' relay from Blackpool in exchange.
An impression of Coney Island by Walter Rault will be found on page 6.