A Jubilee of Association
Devised by Stephen Potter
From chaos to order - the history of the internal organisation of a great game; with scenes from the past, and some account of difficulties overcome. Further illustrated by comments on the present by the game's leaders today
Produced by John Pudney and Stephen Potter
Among those whose voices will be heard are:-
C.E. Sutcliffe, President of the League
George Allison, Manager of the Arsenal
S.F. Rous, Secretary of the Football Association
Ivan Sharpe, leading Football Journalist
Also taking part are:
Carleton Hobbs
Ralph Truman
Robin Maule
Laidman Browne
Mona Harrison
This is the jubilee year of the Football League, founded by William McGregor in 1888, and the idea of the programme is to tell its eventful history in short dramatised scenes, linked up by a narrator. Listeners will hear about the days when clubs refused to make fixtures, and how the League at last organised them and arranged that clubs of the same status should play together. With every match a cup-tie as it were, the Football League has enormously increased interest in professional football, with an organisation that is copied all over the world.