The Violin Sonatas given in the original style by William Primrose, with bass played on the Violoncello by Ambrose Gauntlett
The Fifth and Sixth Sonatas are to be given to-night.
The Fifth, in C Minor, begins with a Slowà Movement in weighty, rather declamatory style, and goes on to a vivacious caper in which the Violin strikes out in a wide-stepping way.
A short slow Movement with a meditative song-like melody leads to a quick Movement, in which the Violin and the accompanist toss a rhythmic figure from one to the other.
A Jig is the cheery closing Movement.
The Sixth Sonata, in A, has first a smooth, expressive, slow Movement, then a quick one with bold outlines and busy decoration.
A few chords in slow time lead straight on to another quick Movement, in which the Violin part is of the 'perpetual motion' type.
A brief page of sustained and dignified dialogue between Violin and 'Cello brings us to the Last Movement, determinedly jovial.