Introduced by Sue MacGregor
Talking Point: opinions and ideas ...
On Holiday in Britain (2): BERNARD JACKSON Visits Shropshire and discovers how it has changed since Norman days.
Life with John: JENNY PEARCE has twin sons, one of whom is autistic. Stepsons by ROBERT LIDDELL abridged in 11 parti by ANN REES-JONES Read by Nigel Anthony fl)
' Elsa had been brought up to be a good wife and mother, and it looked as if no place were going to be offered her in that overcrowded profession. Her reading tended towards books in which the heroine was rewarded. late in the day, by being asked to comfort some life-worn man. Could Oswald Faringdon be the life-worn man whom it was her mission to comfort? '
(Music: Brahms' Clarinet Quintet in B minor) Editor WYN KNOWLES long wave only
(Nigel Anthony is Hornblower in The Hornblower Story: Tues 10.30 pm)