A programme for children under five
Nursery rhymes, stories, and music
Many of what were, until recently, our 'under-fives ' are now experiencing their first few weeks in the exciting new world of school. Many of them, no doubt, have speculated eagerly about this unknown life, the entrance into which establishes them as * big ' boys and girls. Many of them have perhaps gathered impressions of it from older brothers and sisters; they may have seen them ' playing school, and even. in a bewildered way, have been drawn into their games. It is for children who are still at this stage, not quite old enough yet to go to school, but beginning to look forward to it with interest, that today's story by W. Robson , about Anne who plays at school with her dolls, may have a special appeal. Daphne Oxenford will be the storyteller.
The remaining tales for the week will, we know, be welcomed by innumerable small listeners, for the four exploits of Jacko the monkey, written by Jean Sutcliffe , never fail to bring demands for more. These stories will be told by Julia Lang , and our programmes for the coming two weeks will be introduced by I.orna Pegram. Elizabeth A. Taylor