Script by Robert Turley
Repeated on Thursday at 11.18 a.m. Productions by MOLLY RANKIN and EILEEN CULLEN
Morris Brewster has left London for Europe and the States. Bob Dale has made new friends at the Country Club -one of them, Flip Frimley, a journalist, has scooped the story of Mrs. Fisher who was injured and taken to hospital when her tram was wrecked in a storm.
Mrs. Dale, Ellis Powell ; Dr. Dale, James Dale ; Mrs. Freeman, Dorothy Lane ; Sally Fullon , Margaret Ward ; Richard Fulton , David March; Sue Chorleigh, Valerie Kirkbright ; Bob Dale , Leslie Heritage; Jenny Dale , Julia Braddock ; Morris Brewster , Robert Ayres ; Mrs. Cornish, Grace Allardyce ; Ted Baxter , Trevor Martin ; Irene Baxter , Kathleen Helme ; Tony Baxter , James Luck ; Molly Baxter , Anna Bentinck ; Laurence Maxwell , Hugh Dickson ; Terry Edtaards , Andrew Irvine ; Bill Elliot , John Sharp ; Bess Elliot , Joyce Latham ; Tom Draycott , John Pullen ; Flip Frimley, Anthony Hall ; Mr. Glover, Stephen Jack ; Charlie Holt , Denys Hawthorne
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company