- Comedy By:
- William Davenant
- Comedy By:
- John Dryden
- Comedy By:
- Thomas Shadwell
- Unknown:
- Henry Purcell
- Edited By:
- Anthony Lewis
- Production By:
- Douglas Cleverdon
- Soprano:
- Margaret Field-Hyde
- Soprano:
- Margaret Ritchie
- Tenor:
- René Soames
- Bass:
- William Parsons
- Bass:
- Stanley Riley
- Cello:
- Bernard Richards
- Harpsichord:
- John Wills
- Chorus-Master:
- Douglas Robinson
- Leader:
- Maurice Clare
- Conducted By:
- Constant Lambert
- Alonzo, Duke of Savoy and Usurper of the Dukedom of Mantua:
- Andrew Cruickshank
- Ferdinand, his Son:
- Cyril Cusack
- Prospero, right Duke of Milan:
- Robert Harris
- Antonio, his Brother, Usurper of the Dukedom:
- .Dennis Arundell
- Gonzalo, a Nobleman of Savoy:
- J. Hubert Leslie
- Hippolito, one that never saw Woman,right Heir of the Dukedom of Mantua:
- Allan McClelland
- Stephano, Master of the Ship:
- Ivan Samson
- Mustacho his Mate:
- Francis de Wolff
- Trincalo, Boatswain:
- Norman Shelley
- Ventoso, a Mariner:
- Ernest Jay
- Miranda and Dorinda, Daughters to Prospero that never saw Man:
- Maxine Audley
- Miranda and Dorinda, Daughters to Prospero that never saw Man:
- Cherry Cottrell
- Ariel, an aiery Spirit, attendant on Prospero:
- Marjorie Westbury
- Caliban a Monster of the Isle:
- Bernard Miles
- Sycorax his Sister:
- Vida Hope