Manoug Parikian (violin)
Herbert Downes (viola)
Colin Horsley (piano)
Dennis Brain Wind Ensemble:
Leonard Brain (oboe)
Stephen Waters (clarinet)
Cecil James (bassoon)
Dennis Brain (horn)
Part 1
From the Raphael Cartoon Gallery, Victoria and Albert Museum. (By permission of the Director. Sir Leigh Ashton)
Lennox Berkeley's Trio was commjtsioned by Colin Horsley and written last year. The first movement, marked Allegro, i. cast in sonara form; the key is F major and the opening motive on the horn consists of a series of rising fourths: F, B flat, E flat, A flat. A Lento movement follows, elegiac in mood witlh a more flowing middle section For finale there are ten variations on a theme (Moderato) in which the fall of a seventh is a prominent feature. The first part of the theme is given to the piano alone; the second part is shared by viotin and horn. H.R.