from the Chapel of King's College, Cambridge
Let thy merciful ears (Weelkes)
Versicles and Responses (Tomkins)
Psalms 82, 83, and 84
First Lesson: 1 Kings 8. vv. 22-30
Magnificat (Howells, Gloucester Service)
Second Lesson : St. James 5, w. 7-18
Nunc dimittis (Howells, Gloucester Service)
Creed and Collects
Lord. for thy tender mercy's sake (Hilton)
Lord for thy tender mercy's sake, lay not our sins to our charge, but forgive that is past and give us grace to amend our lives; to decline from sin and incline to virtue, that we may walk with a perfect heart before thee, now and evermore
Organ Voluntary: Allein 'Gott in der Hoh' sei Ehr (Bach)