3/5. The King's Musick. Donald Macleod discovers how Purcell's life and music was shaped by each of the three monarchs he served. Welcome Song: From Those Serene and Rapturous Joys (final chorus) Andrew Tusa
(tenor), the King's Consort, director Robert King The Staircase Overture; Chacony in G minor Parley of Instruments, director Peter Holman If Prayers and Tears Susan Gritton (soprano), Members of the King's Consort
Sound the Trumpet, Beat the Drum
James Bowman (countertenor), Rogers Covey -Crump and Rufus Muller (tenors), Michael George (bass), the King's Consort, director Robert King
Purcell Overture: Timon of Athens
Parley of Instruments, director Peter Holman Repeated on Tuesday at 12 midnight