Sung by Parry Jones (Tenor)
Im Dorfe (In the Village)
The village slumbers and dreams whilst the watch-dogs bark. In the morning dreams vanish. No matter: the dreamers have had their pleasures, and can dream of them again. Howl away, dogs ! No sleep and sweet dreams for the lonely wanderer. What use to linger among happy folk ? His dream is over.
Der sturmische Morgen (The Stormy Morning)
He hails as a friend the winter storm, with its wild, disordered sky, torn by lightning, for in his heart rages ever a storm of grief.
Tauschung (Illusion)
He follows an elusive light, that seems friendly, but misleads. A man sick at heart clasps any hope that promises a moment of cheer. Even an illusion is better than empty hopelessness.
Der Wegweiser (The Signpost)
He asks himself why he leaves the highway and takes hidden by-paths. He need avoid no one. Signposts point to the lively towns, but he must take the lonely roads, ever seeking rest and finding none.