A librarian brings to your notice some books you might like to beg from a friend, borrow from a library, or buy for yourself and discusses his selection with Antonia Ridge and L. A. G. Strong
This week's guest:
K. C. Harrison
Borough Librarian, Eastbourne
Among the books he recommends are:
Coming Down the Seine by Robert Gibbings
A charming story of a journey atong the great French river by an Irish artist.
The Return of Gunner Asch by Hans Hellmut Kirst
With a satirical eye a German watches the collapse of the Reichswehr in 1945 from the inside.
Of Trees and the Sea by Edgar Mittelholzer
The amusing and sometimes sinister adventures of a young English couple in Barbados.
Reader. Allan McClelland
Devised and introduced by Adrian Thomas
Next week's guest: E. A. Clough ,
Deputy City Librarian, Bristol