A Broadcast Sketch by J. JEFFERSON FARJEON
A Boy
A Policeman
A Toff
The Scone is a deserted road outside a lonely house. It is night-about 9.0 p.m.
' The Split in the Cabinet'
A Play in TwoiActs by V. C. CLINTON BADDELEY Adapted from the story bv STEPHEN LEACOCK
Sir John Elphinspoon (Foreign Secretary)-Perriton Powers (his Private Secretary) Sir Francis Hake (the Prime Minister)
The Hon. George Shark (the Chancellor of the Exchequer)
Sir Charles Trout (the First Lord of the Admiralty) Lord Edward Hallibut (the Secretary for War) Mr. Edgar Whiting (the Minister for Education) Butler
Lady Elphinspoon Angela (her daughter)
Act I. Sir John Elphinspoon 's Library, Carlton
House Terrace
Act II. A month later. The scene is the same but the room is arranged for a meeting of the Cabinet, at this moment in progress