Walton Coronation Te Deum
9.13 Quilter
Three English Dances
9.28 Matthew Locke Suite for the Royal Wind music of King James I
9.33 Vaughan Williams Fantasia on a theme by Thomas Tallis
9.58 Sullivan
Overture: Di Ballo
10.16 Boyce Symphony No 1 (Ode to the New Year)
10.24 Hoist Hymn of Jesus
10.54 Delius
To be Sung of a Summer Night on the Water
11.00 Tippett Suite for the Birthday of Prince Charles
11.19 Composers of the Eton Choirbook
Anon Ah, My Dear, Ah My Dear Son!
11.25 Judith Weir Airs from
Another Planet
11.41 Elgar
Enigma Variations
Producer Edward Blakeman Discs