Service of Remembrance and Dedication from St. Paul's Cathedral, for relatives and friends of former British residents in the Far East. Taking part are the Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral, the Succentor, the Bishop of London, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Primus of the Scottish Church
The Lord will come and not be slow
(E.H. 492)
Preface : The Dean of St. Paul's
Supplication, led by the Succentor Psalm 57
Lesson : Isaiah 49, w. 7-13. read by the Bishop of London
Anthem : Judge eternal. throned in splendour
Address by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Lord of our life and God of our salvation (E.H. 435)
Act of Dedication. led by the Primus of the Scottish Church
Hail to the Lord's anointed (E.H. 45) Thanksgiving : The Archbishop of Canterbury