In a remote village in Japan, a woman is attacked by a dog. Nine months later, she gives birth to a son, Tsukio, and the village treats him with apprehension.
A powerful mythic drama, the play is an early work by one of the 20th-century's most important Japanese writers, Shuji Terayama.
This production reunites the team of composer Mia Soteriou and director Ned
Chaillet whose last Japanese drama for radio was "Yabuhara Kengyo: the Blind Master Minstrel" by Hisashi Inoue. The techniques they brought to that production - creating sound effects with the actors and making strong use of a chorus created from the acting company - are again used to great effect.
Music played by William Lyons (reed flute), Mia Soteriou (piano)
Translator Carol Fisher Sorgenfrei