Appeal on behalf of the Queen Alexandra Hospital Home for Disabled Ex-Servicemen, Worthing, by Lt.-General Sir Brian Horrocks , K.C.B., K.B.E., D.S.O., M.C.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Lt.-General Sir Brian Horrocks , [address removed]
The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home, Worthing, better known as Gifford House, was founded after the first world war as a permanent home for some fifty totally disabled Ex-Servicemen. In 1933 it moved from Roehampton to Worthing and a scheme was evolved whereby grievously disabled Ex-Servicemen, who are still able to live at home but for whom an ordinary holiday is out of the question, could have a change at the seaside. This change of climate and environment combined with medical treatment often results in a permanent improvement in their condition.
Although Government grants are received towards the treatment of war-pensioner patients, the Home needs more than £ 20,000 yearly from voluntary sources to carry on its work.