In personal narrative, poetry. and music, George Angell looks back on a sentimental journey he made through Western Greece. He recalls impressions of Byron. Hobhouse, Hughes. and Edward Lear from their own travels through Epirus early in the nineteenth century: conjures up an ominous portrait of Ali Pasha , the despot of Epirus; evokes episodes from the saga of Souli: and makes a pilgrimage to the heroic town of Messolonghi, where Byron met his untimely death on April 19, 1824. Those taking. part:
Michael Deacon , Roger Delgado John Gabriel , Olive Gregg John Theoharis
Peter Tuddenham , Gary Watson Lockwood West and Francis de Wolff
Additional material and translations by Ian Scott Kilvert
Music taken from folk songs and compositions of Manos Hadjidakis and Stavros Xarhakos
Produced by George Angell and George MacBeth See page 37