Guerrero Surge Propera Amica Mea
Westminster Cathedral
Choir, conductor David Hill
7.07 Milan Two Fantasias
Shirley Rumsey (vihuela)
7.11 Alonso Lobo
Versa est in Luctum
Westminster Cathedral
Choir, conductor David Hill
7.19 Antonio de Cabezon
Diferencias on the Milanese Galliard
7.22 Hemando de Cabezon
Glossada on "Duke
Paul Nicholson (h'chord)
7.27 Vivanco Magnificat Westminster Cathedral
Choir, conductor David Hill
7.40 Valderrabano
Two Sonetos
Anon/Morlaye Comae Claros Shirley Rumsey
(vihuela/renaissance guitar)
7.49 Ortiz Two
Recercadas for bass viol
Hernando de Cabezon
Diferencias on "La Dama leDemanda"
8.00 Music for the Virgin Mary : Mass for the Feast of the Assumption as it might have been heard in the 1580s.
Palestrina Missa Beatae
Mariae Virginis III
Wert Virgo Maria Hodie ad Caelum
Taverner Choir/Parrott Producer Graham Dixon