Appeal on behalf of the Royal National Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen, by the Chairman, Commander R. G. Studd D.S.O., R.N. (retd.).
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
During the past seventy years the Royal National Mission to Deep-Sea Fishermen has provided rest, recreation, and a 'home-from-home' in strange ports, and, at sea, warm woollen comforts and reading matter to kill the boredom of off-duty hours. Fishermen's hostels, with their canteens, sick bays, and places of worship, are maintained in fourteen principal fishing ports around the coasts.
The Mission cares for bereaved families of men drowned at sea, and its welfare work keeps in close touch with the lonely families of trawler crews away on the long and perilous Arctic voyages.