A series of six programmes
6: The Changing Climate
GORDON MANLEY , Professor of Geography, Bedford College, Univers'ity of London, and H. H. LAMB of t'he Meteorological Office discuss the questions: What do we know about the climate of the past and how have we found out about it? Is there any pattern in climatic changes?
SIR GRAHAM SUTTON. F.R.S., Director General of the Meteorological Office, discusses the question: Will man ever be able to control weather and climate?
The recorded broadcast of May 24. in Network Three
A booklet, with diagrams, weather charts and cloud pictures in colour and black-and-white, has been specially written by Sir Graham Sutton to accompany this series. It can be obtained, price 4s. 6d., through newsagents and booksellers, or direct by sending a crossed postal order for 4s. 6d. (not stamps, please) to [address removed]