Dramatised extracts from the book by Jerome K. Jerome : a programme for listeners interested in brushing up their German
Episode 4
Jerome reminds Harris of Caesar and Queen Elizabeth I sailing on the Thames, and wonders whether they knew the pubs on the banks as well as Harris does. They run into the bank.
VOCABULARY der Rand, edge; es hat keinen Zweck, it is no use; benehmen, to behave; bessern, to improve; der Ministerprdsident, Prime Minister; aufhdngen, to hang up; zahlreich, numerous; beriihmt, famous; das einzige, the only; entdecken, to discover; was tst los?, what is wrong?; rammen, to collide; die Schuld, fault, guilt, blame; beruhigen, to calm; hbfiich, polite; zugeben, to admit; traumen, to dream; aufpassen, to pay attention; Verzeihung, sorry, forgive me; komisch, funny; Ach, du liebe Zeit!, oh dear!