Conducted by the Rev. DINSDALE T. YouNG , D.D.
Relayed from the Central Hall,
Hymn, ' Praise to the Holiest' (M.H.B. 62)
Anthem, ' I will mention the loving kindnesses'
(Soloists, Mr. DOUGLAS WADE and Mr. H. E. PAGE
Scripture Reading
Hymn, Come, thou Fount of every blessing'
(M.H.B. 377)
Sermon by the Rev. DINSDALE T. YOUNG , D.D. Hymn, 'Holy Father, cheer our way ' (M.H.B.
IT is always interesting to find that a broadcast has been arranged in response to a specific request from a particular section of the community. This evening's service is the Tramwayman's service ; it is the result of a petition received from members of the Traffic Control Staff of the Fulhvell Depot of the London United Tramways, the signatories representing fourteen different districts from Chiswiek out to Uxbridge. The Rev. Dinsdale T. Young , who conducts the service has been Minister of the Westminster
Central Hall since 1914. He is an ex-President of tho Wesleyan Conference, and known as an ference, and Known as an author, lecturer and preacher- all over the country.