from St. James's Church, Higher Broughton , Salford, National Anthem Prayers
Through the nigh: of doubt and sorrow
(A. and M. 274 ; C.H. 214)
First Lesson : from Psalm 27 Psalm 84
Second Lesson : I Peter 5, vv. 6-11
All people that on earth do dwell (A. and M. 166 ; C.H. 229)
0 God, our help in ages past (A. and M.
165 ; C.H. 681)
Address by the Rev. T. Billington
Praise, my sou], the King of heaven (A. and M. 298 ; C.H. 21)
In this service, attended by members of all branches of Civil Defence, the Lessons will be read by the Mayoress, Mrs. James Park , and the Chief Air-Raid Warden, Captain S. H. Humpson , M.C.