BETTY Bannerman (Contralto)
Ashmoor BURCH (Baritone)
Conducted by B. WALTON O'DONNELL
THE leading composers have for the most part neglected the Military Band, as though so popular a medium were unworthy of their best ideas. Times are changing, and more and more the great composers are realizing that the band is in every way as well adapted for presenting their music as the concert orchestra may do.
Gustav Hoist is among the few modern British musicians who have given the Military Band a fair share of their best work, composing, among other music, two vigorous and thoroughly popular Suites for it. The second one is largely based on folk tunes, as the names of the movements set forth, and the only further point of interest for listeners is that the two tunes which are cunningly welded together in the last movement are the same which Mr. Holst uses so happily in his St. Paul's Suite for Strings.