Specially devised and arranged by the well-known theatrical director
WITHOUT very serious exaggeration, it may be said that Andre [Chariot is the father of revue in England. Before the war, he came over from Paris (where he had gained experience in many types of theatre, from the Chatelet to the Ambassadeurs) to run the Alhambra, and there he produced such early revues as Keep Smiling and 5064 Gerard. His shows at the Vaudeville are still happy memories to many of the men who spent leave in London during the war; Cheep (which set a new fashion in intimate revue), Pot Luck and the rest, all full of wit and ingenious fun.
Since those days he has produced shows at several London theatres, including the long series of ' Chariot's Revues ' at the Prince of Wales, with such artists as Beatrice
Lillie and Gertrude Lawrence ,
Jack Buchanan and Maisie
Gay. Now, in his invasion of the broadcasting studios, he has shown that the old show-man has still got more than a trick or two up his sleeve.