From the Studio
Conducted by the Rev. ALBERT S. HULLAR
Order of Service :
Hymn, ' Come, let us join our cheerful songs ' (M.H., 97)
Short Prayers and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, '0 Love that will not let me go ' (A. and M., 699)
Scripture Reading
Anthem. ' God so loved the world'
Hymn, ' Jesu, thou Joy of Loving Hearts'
(M.H., 111)
Address by the Rev. ALBERT S. HULLAH
Hymn, None other Lamb, none other Name '
(M.H., 520)
Benediction mHE Leysian Mission, in tho City Road, now the largest of its kind in the world, was started in Wliitoeross Street in 1886, and moved to its present premises in 1904. There are now about 1,500 young people associated with it, and it does mucii useful work in a part of London where it is badly needed. Mr. Hullah, w. o was appointed its Superintendent in September last year, is a well-known Wesleyan minister who served in the Army for five years, and then, as Chaplain to the Regent Street Polytechnic, was intimately concerned with tho work of reconstruction after the war.