Dropping Bricks
Manners in one country are solecisms in another and one of the best guides to a foreign civilisation is probably the philosophy behind its formal etiquette. However hard he tries to master that etiquette and conform to it, the traveller is sure to ' drop bricks.'
Ella Maillart who has travelled in the Caucasus. Russian Turkestan, the Himalayas, China, and India
Colonel John Hodges who has travelled in Russia, Central Asia. Chinese Turkestan, the Gobi Desert, and China
Sir Mortimer Wheeler
Director General of Archaeology in India, 1944-48; Adviser on Archaeology to the Government of Pakistan: who has travelled in Africa, Persia. and Afghanistan
Chairman, Peter Fleming who has travelled in East and Central Asia, Brazil, China, and India
(The recorded broadcast of Jan. 15)