(Presbyterian) from Fisherwick Church, Belfast
Organ Voluntary
6.45 Order of Service
Scripture Sentences
Hymn, Jesus, where'er thy people meet (Rv. C.H. 247)
Metrical Psalm CIII, verses 1-5. 0
Thou my soul (Tune 75)
Scripture Reading, Romans xii Prayer
Hymn, Thy hand, O God, has guided (Rv. C.H. 215)
Anthem, Lord, I call upon thee (Arnold Culley)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Hymn, My faith looks up to thee (Rv. C.H. 415) (First tune)
Address by the Rev. HAMISH C. MACKENZIE (Giffnock)
Hymn, Abide with me (Rv. C.H. 286)
Organist, Thomas S. Forster