The loss of the recipe, however, brings him hope. It is found by a loafer, Slinks, who has just been promised a job in the Distillery, and he sells it to Paap at a good price. Paap sees in it a means of winning Sally's hand as a reward, but the hope is damped by Mr. Hook's threat to have the man who 'finds' it arrested.
Meanwhile, all is ready for the great celebrations at the Distillery. Van Vuyt is forbidden to go to Amsterdam by Paap, but ' persuades ' Slinks to sell him his job in the Distillery, and so we find him there in time for the rejoicings.
Capt. Paap, not wishing to court arrest, decides to return the recipe by means of a deputy and selects Van Vuyt , believing him to be one of the workmen. Van Vuyt hands it to Mr. Hook, who immediately accuses him of stealing it and orders his arrest, but here Sally intervenes with a much better plan.