in Celebration of Empire Day arranged and presented by the Canadian
Radio Broadcasting Commission including
A Dramatic Presentation of the Story of the Foundation of Empire Day in Canada
Relayed from the City of Hamilton,
Programme sequence;
The arrival of the United Empire Loyalists on the shore of the Bay of Fundy in Old Nova Scotia in the year 1783 ; the settlement of the Loyalists ; the Wentworth Historical Society at Hamilton, Ontario, and Mrs. Fessenden; the observance of Empire Day in the Dominion of Canada and throughout the Empire; the celebration of Empire Day, 1935, leading to a message from
[the Dominion by the Rt. Hon. R. B. BENNETT ,
Prime Minister of Canada
The first of a series of Empire Day programmes was broadcast in 1933 from the United Kingdom under the title, ' News of Home.' In 1934, the first overseas contribution was made to this series from Australia, and this year it is Canada's turn to mark for the Empire the celebration of Empire Day. The principal broadcasting organisations of the Empire will, it is hoped, participate in this scheme. The schedule proposed for future years, in collaboration with overseas broadcasters, includes programmes from India (with Ceylon), New Zealand, and South and East Africa.