from Aston Parish Church
From thee all skill and science flow
(S.P. 285 ; C.H. 351)
Psalm 147
Reading : St. Matthew 25. w. 31-40 From all that dwell below the skies
(S.P. 408 ; C.H. 228)
Of the most High cometh healing
0 love of God, how strong and true
(S.P. 607)
Address : The Ven. H. McGowan,
Archdeacon of Aston
Thine arm, 0 Lord. in days of old
(S.P. 287 ; C.H. 86)
Organist, Christopher Edmunds
This service has been arranged in collaboration with the Red Cross and St. 'John War Organisation. The Lesson is read by Lord Iliffe, Chairman of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross and St. John Fund.