Time-Saving Week
Introduced by Jean Metcalfe and including
' Guest-Book ': Evelyn Gibbs brings to the microphone a group of Festival visitors to greet listeners and sign the programme's guest-book
' You Can't Keep a Cat': John Merrett explains how this statement is proved true by his own cat, William '
' Coming Shortly ' : Derek Hart talks about some of the films that will be appearing soon in local cinemas
Children In Hospital. 4—' To visit or not to visit: is it all a matter of opinion or is anything really known about what is best? ' A children's physician tries to answer
'John Brown's Body '—12. The story of the American Civil War. Stephen Vincent Ben ét's epic poem, adapted for radio by Pamela Frankau and read by Richard Ainley , with Arthur Hill and asides on time saving by Sam Pollock
(Arthur Hill is appearing in Man and Superman ' at the Princes Theatre, London)