A melodrama by Patrick Riddell, based on the famous story by Victor Hugo. With music specially composed by Robert Chignell
Episode 11, 'The Marriage of Cosette' in which Henry Ainley plays the part of Valjean, Margaretta Scott as Cosette, Patrick Waddington as Marius and the Story-Teller is Cecil Trouncer (by permission of Roy Limbert)
Play produced by John Cheatle
The story of Les Miserables is drawing to its close, and the many threads that have composed the tale of Jean Valjean , Cosette, and her lover Marius, are being drawn together. Valjean himself adopted the child Cosette after his release from an unjust sentence of nineteen years in the galleys. His one-time slavemaster, Javert, however, had become an Inspector of Police, and devoted his life to the harrowing of Valjean, who is now known as M. Madeleine , the kindly Mayor of Fonthil. Javert prevails, has Valjean sent to the galleys again, and, after the latter's escape, takes up a chase that lasts for years.
Cosette grows up and falls in love with Marius, a young revolutionary, and during the emeutes of 1832 Valjean saves Javert's life and also that of Marius, whom he carries to safety through the Paris sewers.
In last week's instalment you heard how Javert torn between his sense of duty and his sense of mercy and gratitude, listened to the prompting of the latter, and threw himself into the Seine rather than pursue his victim any more.
In today's broadcast you will hear how Marius and Cosette find their heart's desire, and how the unlucky Valjean is shunned as an ex-convict by those whom he most loves, and whose happiness he has worked for.