' Before the Romans '
Last week Jacquetta Hawkes introduced this series, which is designed to explain some of the relics that ancient Britons and the various invaders pf Britain left behind them-relics in the shape of walls and ruins and ditches, stone structures and so forth, which are to be met vith in every corner of the land by those on holiday walks. For this series is designed for holiday makers rather than for antiquarians. In every county and almost every yard of England is England's history.
This evening Jacquetta Hawkes will discuss some of these things Nwith Stuart Piggott , and they will deal with relics left previous to the coming of the Romans. Types of remains ; burial mounds and customs ; forts and settlements ; chalk-cut figures-the earliest British one, the White Horse in Berkshire.
Next week, in a discussion,
Jacquetta Hawkes will deal with post-Roman Britain.