r Live from Manchester Cathedral.
Introit: Crucifixus Etiam pro Nobis(Lotti). Responses (plainsong). Office Hymn: Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle
(Range Lingua). Psalm 102 (Goss, Buck). First Reading: Wisdom 1, wl6-end; 2, vl, wl2-22. Canticles: The Short
Service (Byrd). Second Reading: Luke 22, w54-71. Anthem: Crucifixus pro Nobis
(Leighton). Final Hymn: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Rockingham).
Organ Voluntary: Crucifixion (Symphonie-Passion, Op 23, 3rd mvt) (Dupre). Organist and master of the choristers Christopher Stokes. Sub-organist Jeffrey Makinson.