Community hymn-singing from Nelson Hall , H.M.S. Caledonia, Rosyth, by officers and men in ships and establishments at Rosyth, and from some ships of the Home Fleet. The singing is led by a choir drawn from these units
The hvmns are accompanied by the Band of the Apprentices of H.M.S. Caledonia
Instructor Lieut.-Commander
C. Rowlands , cm., R.N.
Lieut.-Commander V. Evans , R.N.
The broadcast is introduced by Rear Admiral P. Skelton , Admiral Superintendent, H.M. Dockyard. Rosyth
The Rev. C. Prior. R.N.,
Chaplain of H.M.S. Caledonia introduces the hymns
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
(Tune. Praise, my soul)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
(Tune, Repton)
0 God, our help in ages past (Tune.
St. Anne)
Lead us. heavenly Father, lead us
(Tune. Mannheim)
Thy hand. 0 God, hast guided (Tune.
Now thank we all our God (Tune,
Nun Danket)
The day thou gavest. Lord. is ended
(Tune, St. Clement)
Eternal Father, strong to save (Tune,