A programme about open-air sights, sounds, and activities, presented for family listening by comperes and commentators of the Younger Generation
This week's compere Is
Keith Lloyd
Week-end Aloft
Reports by young participants in the National Gliding Championship at Great Hucklow, with expert advice on how to take up the sport, and impressions recorded by a beginner during a trial flight
' What's Your Weather?'
Conclusions on the weather contest. The experts, J. S. Sawyer and V. R. Coles of the Meteorological Office, and the amateur eighteen-year-old Roy Fox compare notes on the problems and possibilities of weather forecasting
(Continued in next column)
Open Air Quiz
Scotland, the youth champions of the British Isles. have been challenged to a two-round contest on countryside pursuits by Ross Salmon (ex-cowboy and cattle rancher), Steven Marshall (Headmaster of llkeston Grammar School), and Joan Barlee. Girl Guide County Camp Adviser, Staffordshire
In the chair. Jack Longland