at St. Paul's Cathedral, London.
Nearly five hundred bishops of the Anglican Communion, delegates to the Tenth Lambeth Conference, attend a service of Holy Communion to mark the completion of their consultation.
Celebrants, The Archbishop of Canterbury surrounded by the Metropolitans as concelebrants
Preacher, The Metropolitan of India, Pakistan, Burma, and Ceylon
Epistle read by The Archbishop of New Zealand
1 Peter 3, w. 8-1
Gospel read by The Archbishop of Uganda
St. Luke 5, vv. 1-11
To the name of our salvation
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Let all the world in every corner sing Holy, holy, holy
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
The Choir of the Royal School of Church Music
under the direction of Dr. Gerald Knight
(to 12.00)